Sunday, February 14, 2010

It was raining and pouring... and then it was snowing?

Well, unless you have been living under a rock... you have heard that Texas recieved a very rare occourance on Thursday. :) 

About 3am central time, it started snowing... and by the time we woke up, it was still snowing and then after we ate lunch it was still snowing and before we went to bed it was still... snowing!!! This never happens here! We were very lucky to see such a pretty snowfall all day, and all night and we had record amounts of the precipatation since 1965. I kept saying to Steve, "I have never seen this much snow in my lifetime." And, I was right! It was super fun to go outside and play in the snow with our doggie. He too, has never seen this much snow in his lifetime! Steve and I made a snowman and Beethoven chased snow balls in the yard, it was too cute for words. By the time we came inside from playing our clothes were drenched, but we didn't mind. :) It was a fun inconvenience to say the least. We had such a blast we wanted to share some photos of this crazy snow fall... looks like we got close to 12 inches!!!! Holy Cow, that's a lot!