Yes, that's right. Our precious baby girl is turning the corner to 3 months old! My how time has just flown by! She's our little slice of heaven here on earth and it always amazes me just how much you can really love someone that you never even met personally until they are out... of the womb. Here's some pictures and some recap of what we've been up to, lately...
Since Trinity was born we have had lots of visitors...
Before we left the hospital, we had to stop and say hello to our hero's....
Dr. Remedios
Nurse Leslie
After leaving the hospital we got settled in at home and started snuggling with some more of our favorite people...
Then we had our "first bath"
Then we met some new friends....
We had our first Christmas at home, with our Pink Christmas Tree!
Trinity got even cuter, if that was even possible!
Then, Trinity was dedicated to Christ!
Then, mommy got a new camera and took some awesome pictures of the most beautiful girl in the world!
Then, Trinity learned to smile all the time...
Trinity learned to put toys in her mouth, an important milestone!
Trinity had her first swim lesson,
Got some Auntie kisses
Celebrated Jenny's Birthday
Met her Great, Great Grandmother
Played outside...
and got some sun!
All in all, it's been a great 3 months, Trinity is growing and thriving, we couldn't be happier and excited to share more great moments with you all soon!
Thanks for checking in!
Love, Katie, Steve and Trinity